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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors are committed to complying with INNOTEC’s code of ethics.
  • The text complies with literature and style requirements indicated in the Regulations for authors.
  • Title, abstract and keywords are included in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
  • All graphs, tables, images and figures are submitted in their original formats at the highest resolution in a separate file.
  • Submission regulations for quotes and literature references are complied with. Website addresses have been added for references wherever possible.
  • The request has not been previously published nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided to the editor in Comments).
  • The submitted file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text is double-spaced; the font size is 11 points, and all illustrations, figures and tables are in the appropriate place within the text and not at the end of the text.

Author Guidelines

Articles and review process scope

INNOTEC publishes original unpublished articles in Spanish and English. The topics addressed are aligned with LATU research strategic areas: Forestry, Environment, Metrology and Food Technology.

This biannual publication is peer-reviewed by a committee of external reviewers and compiles the research conducted within the framework of different projects and knowledge transference processes for the development of innovative, productive and research systems.

Publications edited by the Technical Information Centre are managed in Open Journal Systems, software for the management of the editorial process. It is developed, supported and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU, General Public License.

INNOTEC does not charge any kind of fees for the submission of originals or for their processing. The estimated time for the assessment and publication process is on average 18 weeks. 

The submission process of articles for the journal includes the following steps.

 (a) The author enters the complete article in the system used by the Technical Information Centre for the edition of its publications on the web:

(b)The author is notified through the system of the reception of the article and its eventual publication. In this step, it is considered the work’s novelty and priority is given to those in strategic areas and national topics.

  Once it is approved by the journal editorial Council, the article is sent to the reviewing process.

  Reviewers are appointed both, independent and external who will assess the specific development of the manuscript, both in its topic and methodological aspects.

 Once the peer review report is returned, the editor will contact the author/s in response to the comments conveyed by the article assessor. If necessary, there will be other assessments rounds

(f )
 The article is edited applying the regulations of LATU Style Manual and the designed version is sent to the author/s for their final approval.

(g) The articles are subjected to a plagiarism detection process through Crossref.

In order to include complete articles, it should be considered that the said articles have no copyrights granted to third parties at the submission date; and that they have not been submitted in other publications simultaneously. The articles are published in OJS and are distributed under open-access mode. Copyright is protected by Creative Commons (CC) Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 Unported. When entering into the system at the authors must accept the copyright notice whereby the terms of responsibility are assumed, the CC license is acknowledged, and it is established their commitment to adding a complete quotation of the institutional edition of this first article publication in their subsequent publications, whether full or partial, produced/ conducted in any other dissemination format, whether printed or electronic.

Authors are authorized to publish the post-print version in self-archiving systems or institutional repositories.

The concepts and opinions expressed in the published articles and the use that others may make of them are the responsibility of the authors. This responsibility is assumed at the sole publication of the article submitted. LATU reserves the right to publish those articles that meet the strategic areas established by the organization for each edition, and to make amendments that it deems appropriate for the effective submission of the Journal's contents.

Reviewing process

The arbitration of this journal is conducted by peers and under a double-blind format, so authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the whole process. Arbitration is the specialized critical assessment process of a manuscript by qualified peers who work on the topic addressed by the said text. Each article is reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. The reviewers' comments and recommendations are a key element for the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript in the editorial process of LATU's technical publications. However, the editorial team is responsible for the final decision to publish or reject an article and for notifying the author.
The INNOTEC technical arbitration committee is a body of technical specialists selected for their degree of specialization, scholary prestige and professional and editorial experience. Our reviewers play the vital role of assessing the specific development of the publication’s content, both in their topical and methodological aspects. A review form serves as a guidance for them that it is submitted to the article’s authors upon its completion.
Authors of articles may return the article corrected according to the recommendations of the reviewers within seven days.

Review form

Regulations on filing and submission of texts.

For the article to be considered for publication, it must comply with the following submission guidelines. Should you have any queries, please send them to this email: Use the instructions provided in OJS (Open Journal Systems) for the correct submission of your article. Please remember to complete all the information in the article including: title, authors, affiliation, summary and keywords.
Notice: Authors' names should be included in the metadata as requested below, but omitted from the article's Word document, as a first step to ensure the integrity of the blind review. 


Author. A person or a group responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a document.

Title. Reflects the content of the text accurately, in a maximum of two lines. It is neutral and informative.

Summary. It provides specific information. It summarizes, announces and prioritizes content.

Introduction. It includes concrete background and process data, listing objectives and importance of the issue.

Materials and Methods. An explanation of the methods and procedures that make it possible to reach the submitted results. Compilation of the material, conditions and methodology. Statistical analysis, programs

Results. Introduction and expression of the said results in tables and figures.

Discussion (Conclusion). The order of presentation or the order of importance of the results is complied with. Priority is given to those results that arise from the experimental design. It is clearly defined and differentiated the contribution of the paper in relation to previous knowledge.

Acknowledgements. Brief acknowledgements to those who contributed to the development of the article and/or who allowed the research to be carried out.

References and quotations in the text. References to the literature used for the development of the article.

DOI. The digital object identifier is a permanent link in the form of an alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies electronic content.

Articles Format

Title of the article in capital and lower case letters, in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Full names of all the authors (only in the metadata of OJS) entered in decreasing order according to the degree of responsibility in the development of the article with no functional ranking. Indicate the section or department to which they belong and the company they work for. The contact author for subsequent electronic communications should also be indicated. The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) identifier of all the authors should be indicated.

Summary and keywords in English, Portuguese and Spanish. The summary should not exceed 200 words in its Castilian version. Keywords should not repeat the terms already used in the title.

Text from three (3) to twenty-five (25) pages of development (introduction, methods, description of equipment, description of programs, development of theories, results and discussion, conclusions, references, figures, graphs and images).

Sections The section titles (that indicate the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Discussion, etc.) should be written in capital and lower case letters, font style bold and centered in the text

Subtitles should be justified to the left written in capital and lower case letters also in bold. Both, the first letter of the title and the first letter of the proper names should be written in capital letters. And space between lines before and after each subtitle should be left.

Formulas, figures, tables and images. Figures should be sequentially numbered in order of appearance in the text; and should include a brief explanatory title in the margin below them. If it is necessary to include photos or images, these should be appointed as figures. Photos must be sharp and sent in jpg format (minimum 300 px ensures good print quality). Tables should be sequentially numbered and independently of the figures, and each entry should occupy its own cell. They should be numbered according to the order of appearance in the text, including an explanatory title at the top of the table. Avoid using vertical lines and, as far as possible, do not include more than two tables per page, and do not divide tables into more than one page or perpendicular to the text. The text introduces the tables, but does not develop their content; they should be self-explanatory. In addition to being inserted in the article, each figure and table must be submitted in its own file as a complementary file in OJS, with the corresponding numerical reference. The numbers and symbols used must not be lower than the size used in the rest of the text (Arial 11).

Please avoid footnotes in the development of the article.

The text should be filed in Arial 11 font, double-spaced and line numbered, with the length specified above, with titles in capital and lower case letters, and in .doc format, in any version of Microsoft Word.

Latin terminology should be in cursive. 

Quotations and references style according to the Harvard system.

Notice: all digital literature references should include the web link where they are available and if available the DOI number should be added, both of which should be checked to ensure they are still working.

If the text is in English use “and” instead of “y”, “In” instead of “En”, "[Accessed: day month year]" instead of "[Consulta: día mes año]" and "Available at:" instead of “Disponible en:

Common examples of quotations

-Registry of textual quotations

(López, 1985, p. 93)
(González and Rubio, 1990, pp. 110-111) 
(Johnson et al., 1970, pp. 25-26)

 -For more than one paper by the same author and year

(Alonso, 1988a, pp. 126-128)
(Alonso, 1988b, p. 84)

-Record of ideological quotation or paraphrases

Amor (2000) analiza los motivos para comenzar un negocio en línea…
Si el motivo para comenzar un negocio en línea es sólo para imitar a la competencia, se puede considerar que dicha razón no es la estrategia adecuada. (Amor, 2000).

Common examples of references

Monographies (Books)

Surname/s), Name/s) o Initial, year of edition. Title of the book. Num. of edition Place of edition: editorial. (Serial Num.) ISBN. DOI (if the document has it with the complete link including https://)

Journals as a whole

Title of the publications in cursive. Responsibility Edition Identification of the fascicle. Place of edition: editorial, date of the first volume- date of the last volume. ISSN.

Articles of journals

Surname/s), Name/s or Initial/s), year. Title of the article. In: Title of the serial publication. Volume (number), pages. DOI:(if the document has it with the complete link including https://)


The entity responsible for the regulation, year of publication. Num. or regulation code Title. Place of publication: editorial abbreviated

Electronic texts, databases and computing programs

Main responsibility, year.  Title [type of support]. Edition. Place of publication: editor, [date of consultation] Physic description. (Collection). Notices: Availability and access: Normalized number. DOI: (if the document has it with the complete link including https://)


Main responsibility statement, Year of the document publication. Name of the patented element. Document identifier (country or office of registration). International class of patent document. Number

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available to any other purpose or person.