La dinámica sectorial y el desarrollo del PENCTI


  • Carlos Paolino Directorio, Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), Uruguay



Uruguay has taken the first steps towards implementing new policies regarding science, technology and innovation.  A Ministerial Cabinet has been formed, the Innovation Ministerial Cabinet (GMI), with the participation of the Minister  of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries, the Minister of Industry, Energy, and Mining, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Director of Planning, and the Minister of Education and Culture.  Furthermore, Parliament approved the creation of the National Agency for Investigation and Innovation (ANII-Law 18.084), which is already operative, whereas the enlarging of Conicyt as an institution of consultation and advice is being processed by the Executive Power.  In this regard the GMI, by means of an Operational Team, has raised for discussion the main points of the National Strategic Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (PENCTI). This article is about  the following: not accepting  the micro-meso  interaction with the design of macroeconomic policies may condition the viability of the medium and long term macroeconomic policies by affecting the outcome of key economic variables such as the development of foreign accounts and the rates of exchange.  This is due to the fact that the key variables are extremely dependent on the pattern of specialization that may  have been  achieved, as well as the level of employment and salaries, along with the increase of medium and long term  production  and the proximity/distancing with reference to the international levels (benchmarking).


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How to Cite

Paolino, C. (2011). La dinámica sectorial y el desarrollo del PENCTI. INNOTEC, (2 ene-dic), 36–39.


