In vitro assessment of toxic effects of a commercial formulation ammonium salt of glyphosate over five species representing different trophic levels and habitats


  • Martín Spósito Servicio de Evaluación y Control de la Calidad Ambiental. Intendencia de Montevideo (SECCA)
  • Julio Cesar Espínola Moltedo Dr. en Medicina y Tecnologías Veterinarias, del Servicio de Evaluación y Control de la Calidad Ambiental. Intendencia de Montevideo (SECCA)



TryGlif, Herbicide, Bioassays, Ecotoxicity, Superficial waters


We evaluated the acute and chronic toxic effect in vitro of a commercial brand of ammonium salt of gliphosate over five species that occupy different trophic levels and physical environments: bacterioplankton (Vibrio fischeri), phytoplankton (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata), zooplankton (Daphnia magna), zoobenthos (Hydra attenuata) and terrestrial (Lactuca sativa). This investigation assesed the commercial preparation of herbicide Try Glif, based on ammonium salt of glyphosate with a concentration of 430gr/L by weight of glyphosate, and inert compounds (dispersants, emulsifiers, solubilizers, etc.) with a potential toxicity is generally synergistic with the active principle. Among the five species tested the most sensitive to the compound was H. attenuata, with an LC50 of 5,79 mg/L. The luminescent bacterium V. fischeri was from the five bioassays that a median effective concentration scored higher, reaching 37,28 mg / L. The unicellular alga P. subcapitata had an LC50 of 24,58 mg/L. The D. magna and L. sativa had similar values of LC50 of 9,59 mg/L and 9,79mg/L respectively. Quantified effects on different species analyzed provide a baseline for further investigations and were compared to those found in similar experiments in the international literature


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How to Cite

Spósito, M., & Espínola Moltedo, J. C. (2016). In vitro assessment of toxic effects of a commercial formulation ammonium salt of glyphosate over five species representing different trophic levels and habitats. INNOTEC, (12 ago-dic), 48–53.




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