New technologies in water resources exploration. Study Case: karst of the Polanco Formation, Uruguay


  • Leticia Ivón González Carreira Centro Universitario Regional Este, (CURE), Universidad de la República, Rocha
  • Claudio Gaucher Facultad de Ciencias. Instituto de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad de la República
  • Paula Collazo Facultad de Ciencias. Instituto de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad de la República
  • Daniel Segovia Centro Universitario Regional Este, (CURE), Universidad de la República, Rocha
  • Jorge Montaño GeoAmbiente



Carbonates, karstic, springs, Drone, mineral water


The hydrogeological background in Polanco formation (Ediacaran) has raised interest regarding the development of prospective models of groundwater flow. Field survey and photographic analysis (SGM, Google Earth and Drone Phantom 2 Vision+) were carried out to generate a 3D digital model of the geographical area in order to understand the morphoestructural features of karstic relief. Drilling data and geoelectric studies were also examined. Regular prospective techniques were complemented with remote access technologies, aiming to generate a specific prospective model for these lithologies. As a result, folds with inverted relief including sinkholes, limestone pavements, springs and wells with an average production of 30 m3/h. Hydrogeochemical analysis of groundwater shows dominant calcium-bicarbonate composition alike natural mineral water.


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How to Cite

González Carreira, L. I., Gaucher, C., Collazo, P., Segovia, D., & Montaño, J. (2017). New technologies in water resources exploration. Study Case: karst of the Polanco Formation, Uruguay. INNOTEC, (13 ene-jun), 36–45.


