Tecnología y sociedad : la evaluación de impacto social del Plan Ceibal


  • Ana Laura Martínez Plan Ceibal.Coordinacion de Evalución de Impacto Social del Plan Ceibal, Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay , (LATU), Uruguay




The goal of this article is to briefly present the Plan Ceibal and the Social Impact Evaluation (SIE) strategy undertaken at the LATU. The first section introduces the origins and objectives of the plan, as well as basic information on its implementation. The second is a short reflection on the relationship between technology and social inclusion. The third section shows a general presentation of the research design for the evaluation.


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How to Cite

Martínez, A. L. (2011). Tecnología y sociedad : la evaluación de impacto social del Plan Ceibal. INNOTEC, (3), 11–17. https://doi.org/10.26461/03.15