Effect of lactic acid application on Listeria monocytogenes in vacuum packed meat in Uruguay
Food Safety, pathogenic microorganisms, meat productsAbstract
In this work, the effect of the application of lactic acid on Listeria monocytogenes growth was evaluated in vacuum packed meat using strains isolated from local slaughter houses. Thirty-fve strains of Listeria were isolated and identifed: 29 L. innocua and 6 L. monocytogenes belonging to more than one serotype. All the isolates showed sensitivity to lactic acid in vitro. The minimum inhibitory concentration in TSB-YE was 0,3% and the minimum bactericidal concentration was 0,7%. Te L100A1 isolate was used in the meat study. In meat samples treated with 2,5% lactic acid, packed in vacuum and stored at 4 °C, an initial reduction of L100A1 of 1,1 log was achieved. By the end of eightweeks the reduction had reached 1,5 log showing a synergistic effect between lactic acid and vacuum packaging. When 5% lactic acid concentrations were used, no synergy was observed and the initial 1,4 log growth inhibition remained constant over time. In sum, the use of lactic acid at concentrations between 2,5 and 5% in vacuum packed meat signifcantly reduces L. monocytogenes counts and can be used as an additional hurdle in high value meat cuts.
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