Use of new technologies to obtain a cleaner production




ion exchange chromatography, discards, chemical contaminants


The laboratory carries out the analysis of different ions from natural waters, wastewaters and soils. The ions analyzed are: ammonium, calcium, chloride, magnesium, nitrate, nitrite, sulphate, among others. The methodologies applied to determine them generate liters of discards that pollute the environment and are dangerous for human health. Two of the most dangerous pollutants are Phenol, used for the determination of ammonium, and ammonium hidroxide, used for the determination of nitrates and magnesium. The determination of chlorides produces discards that contain potassium dichromate; the sulfate analysis generates discards that contain Barium chloride.The goal set in the laboratory presented in this article is to use Ion Exchange Chromatography to reduce nearly 100% the use of chemical reagents and to reduce the use of potable water. Also the use of this new technology allows to reduce the time of analysis and provides more reliable results.


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Skoog, D., Haller, J. y Nieman, A., 2005. Análisis instrumental. 5a ed. Nueva York: Mc. Graw Hill.

Trujillo, E., Fonseca, G., García, M. y Martínez, V., 2009. Evaluación de la cromatografía iónica para fomentar su uso en la investigación y estudios de posgrado en ciencias del agua [En línea]. México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. [Consulta: 9 de octubre de 2018]. Disponible en:



How to Cite

Barros Goñi, C., & García Scirgalea, I. (2018). Use of new technologies to obtain a cleaner production. INNOTEC, (17 ene-jun), 117–122.



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