Toxic cyanobacterial blooms compromise the use of the Río Negro water, Uruguay


  • Sylvia Bonilla Grupo de Ecología y Fisiología de Fitoplancton y Sección Limnología, IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República (UdelaR). Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Luis Aubriot Grupo de Ecología y Fisiología de Fitoplancton y Sección Limnología, IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República (UdelaR). Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Signe Haakonsson Grupo de Ecología y Fisiología de Fitoplancton y Sección Limnología, IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República (UdelaR). Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Mariana Illarze Sección Limnología, IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República (UdelaR). Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Ismael Díaz Isasa Laboratorio de Desarrollo Sustentable y Gestión Ambiental del Territorio, IECA, UdelaR. Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Beatriz M. Brena Grupo de Ecología y Fisiología de Fitoplancton y Área Bioquímica, Facultad de Química, UdelaR. Montevideo, Uruguay



water quality, eutrophication, reservoirs, nutrients, phytoplankton


Toxic cyanobacterial blooms generate negative environmental, economic and health impacts. We carried out an analysis of historical limnological data (1989-2020, n = 423) and we performed a nutrient enrichment experiment to study the cyanobacteria of Río Negro, the largest internal river of Uruguay. We defined four hazard levels of exposure to toxic cyanobacteria based on quantitative indicators (biovolume and abundance of cyanobacterial cells and visual observation). The most common cyanobacteria (Microcystis sp. and Dolichospermum sp.) are potential producers of various toxins, including some that have not yet been analyzed in Uruguay. Accelerating environmental deterioration since 2000 has been caused by an increase of cyanobacteria biomass and concentrations of toxins (microcystins). Nutrient concentrations indicated advanced eutrophication, associated with the increase in the area devoted to agriculture of ​​the watershed. Experimental results demonstrated the key role of nutrients and residence time in favoring these organisms. Toxic cyanobacterial blooms seriously threaten the multiple ecosystem services provided by the river, making it essential to implement cyanobacteria monitoring, and management plans to control eutrophication in the long term.



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How to Cite

Bonilla, S., Aubriot, L., Haakonsson, S., Illarze, M., Díaz Isasa, I., & Brena, B. M. (2021). Toxic cyanobacterial blooms compromise the use of the Río Negro water, Uruguay . INNOTEC, (22 jul-dic), e577.




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