Mecanismo de inserción del Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay en el Parque Tecnológico Industrial del Cerro


  • Laura Márquez Gerencia de Gestión Empresarial, Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), Uruguay
  • Mariela De Giuda Gerencia de Gestión Empresarial, Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), Uruguay



Attending to the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU)'s mission, to promote the sustainable development of the country and its international insertion through innovation and transfer of valuable solutions, it is working on support for micro, small and medium companies. As a management strategy to achieve the mission, a policy of decentralization, approaching to the enterprises, it's being implemented. In this context, it has been developed a methodology for insertion in the Industrial Technological Park of Cerro, PTIC. This park, which is managed by the municipal government, agglomerates a group of companies, in the same area with similar needs. The LATU's mechanism of insertion in the PTIC, has counted on with a principal tool, which was the establishment of an office within the park. The daily and direct contact with companies has fluidized the dialogue of the businessmen with technicians and professionals, as well as with institutions that offer support programs, so projects of training and strengthening have been generated. The most important result has been made available to companies, tools to develop and improve their competitiveness in a genuine and durable way, since companies and people were strengthened.


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LATU; PTI. Convenio marco de objetivos de la oficina de LATU en PTI.

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How to Cite

Márquez, L., & De Giuda, M. (2011). Mecanismo de inserción del Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay en el Parque Tecnológico Industrial del Cerro. INNOTEC, (2 ene-dic), 28–29.


