Non primary standards SIM force comparison up to 10 kn


  • Claudia Santo Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), Uruguay
  • Jorge Torres Guzman Centro Nacional de Metrología, México
  • Daniel Ramírez Ahedo Centro Nacional de Metrología, México
  • Juan Ch. Villarroel Poblete Instituto de Investigaciones y Control del Ejército (IDIC), Chile


This force comparison was performed among IDIC (Chile), LATU (Uruguay) and CENAM (Mexico), national laboratories within the Interamerican Metrology System (SIM) region. Each laboratory used its national standard for the established measuring range. The comparison started in August 2002 and finished in September 2004. This comparison is the second part of a SIM primary standards comparison carried out with the participation of INMETRO (Brazil), INTI (Argentina) and SIC (Colombia), having CENAM as pilot laboratory, (SIM comparison number SIM 7.7). This comparison has an overlap with the force steps used in the CIPM Key Comparison CCM.F-K1.a and CCM.F-K1.b., force points 5 kN and 10 kN.
The objective of the comparison was to estimate the level of agreement for the realization of the quantity force and the uncertainty associated to its measurement in the range up to 10 kN. Two transducers (load cells) were used as transfer standards, to obtain its maximum accuracy, the
comparison range was selected from 4 kN to 10 kN (starting at 40% of the full load cells range). The results obtained by the participating laboratories were in agreement according to the analysis of comparability performed by the normalized error equation and the Youden plot techniques used.


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How to Cite

Santo, C., Torres Guzman, J., Ramírez Ahedo, D., & Villarroel Poblete, J. C. (2011). Non primary standards SIM force comparison up to 10 kn. INNOTEC, (1 ene-dic), 25. Retrieved from


