Consumer´s perception of different types of ground meat sold in Montevideo


  • Laura María Raggio Ingeniera Alimentaria -UdelaREstudiante de Doctorado en Química - UdelaRAsistente del Departamento de Alimentos de la Escuela de Nutrición - UdelarR, Uruguay
  • Adriana Gambaro Doctorado en Química - Facultad de Química - UDeLaR , UruguayMaster en Nutrición y Dietética Humana - Universidad de Cádiz , EspañaQuímica Farmacéutica - Facultad de Química - UDeLaR , UruguayTitular Departamento de Alimentos - Facultad de Química, Uruguay
  • Teresa Pagano Magister en Química - Facultad de Química - UDeLaR , UruguayIngeniera Química - UDeLaR , UruguayAdjunto del Departamento de Alimentos de la Escuela de Nutrición - UdelarR, Uruguay
  • Ana Montesano Departamento de Alimentos, Escuela de Nutrición, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Juan Gabriel Garmendia Estudiante - Licenciatura en Nutrición - UDELARColaborador Honorario - Departamento de Alimentos de la Escuela de Nutrición - UdelarR, Uruguay



Consumer studies, Ground meat, Word association


The word association technique was used to perform a preliminary study consumers' perception of ground meat sold in Montevideo. A total of 60 consumers were presented with five cards with the words: Regular Ground Meat, Lean, Premium, Veal, and Special and were asked to write the first four images, associations, thoughts or feelings that came to mind with each card. Afterwards, the participants assessed how healthy they considered each type of ground meat to be. The answers were grouped in 16 categories. Regular ground meat was perceived as a food product with high fat content, and assessed as not very healthy. Lean and Premium ground meats were perceived as having low fat content, being nutritious, healthy and expensive. The Premium ground meat was also considered a high quality product. Lean ground meat was perceived mainly as tender, soft and mushy, while for the Special ground meat contradictions in the choice of words were found (expensive-inexpensive, low fat-high fat). Through this technique the most relevant attributes in the selection process and decision making process were identified.


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How to Cite

Raggio, L. M., Gambaro, A., Pagano, T., Montesano, A., & Garmendia, J. G. (2014). Consumer´s perception of different types of ground meat sold in Montevideo. INNOTEC, (9 ene-dic), 43–49.




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