Development of a multiresidue method for the evaluation in raw milk of organphosph orus and pyretriods residues commonly applied in livestock production


  • Natalia Gérez García Grupo de Análisis de Compuestos Traza (GACT), DQO, Facultad de Química, Udelar, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Analía Bertón Grupo de Análisis de Compuestos Traza (GACT), DQO, Facultad de Química, Udelar, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Guillermo Gil Grupo de Análisis de Compuestos Traza (GACT), DQO, Facultad de Química, Udelar, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • María Verónica Cesio Grupo de Análisis de Compuestos Traza (GACT), DQO, Facultad de Química, Udelar, Montevideo, Uruguay. Grupo de Análisis de Compuestos Traza (GACT), DQL, Cenur Litoral Norte, Udelar, Paysandú, Uruguay.
  • Horacio Heinzen Grupo de Análisis de Compuestos Traza (GACT), DQO, Facultad de Química, Udelar, Montevideo, Uruguay. Grupo de Análisis de Compuestos Traza (GACT), DQL, Cenur Litoral Norte, Udelar, Paysandú, Uruguay.



Pour-on, pesticides in raw milk, GC-MS/MS, method validation


Among the ectoparasiticides used in livestock production, where animals and industrial processes generate products for human consumption such as dairy products, there are different combinations of pesticides and acaricides. If they are not properly administered and the holding period is not respected, their residues can be present in foods, such as dairy products. This phenomenon represents a potential danger for consumers, so it is necessary to generate tools that allow to determine exactly how different forms of use affect the concentrations of pesticide residues in food and also know the holding period that ensure its innocuity when consumed. The aim of this work was to adjust and validate a methodology of analysis in raw milk for the most used compounds in livestock using GC-QqQ-MS, which is the method of choice for its selectivity and specificity. The sample preparation, was based on the official methodology for the analysis of pesticide residues in food in the US: QuEChERS (AOAC International, 2016). The figures of merit were evaluated according to the SANTE guidelines (European Commission. Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, 2015). This validated methodology is a useful tool to determine the decay curves of the compounds applied in order to assure the food safety.


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How to Cite

Gérez García, N., Bertón, A., Gil, G., Cesio, M. V., & Heinzen, H. (2018). Development of a multiresidue method for the evaluation in raw milk of organphosph orus and pyretriods residues commonly applied in livestock production. INNOTEC, (17 ene-jun), 88–101.




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