Quantitative analysis of the percentage of gas vesicles in Microcystis cells from the San Roque Reservoir (Córdoba, Argentina) treated with ultrasound
Algal blooms, cyanobacteria, buoyancy, ultrasound frequencyAbstract
The genus Microcystis (Cyanobacteria) is of great interest due to its ability to form blooms in reservoirs and other bodies of water. Its cells possess gas vesicles that allow it to regulate its buoyancy. Numerous studies indicate that ultrasound, applied at certain frequencies and powers, causes the collapse of gas vesicles, although this effect has not yet been fully understood. The objective of this work was to quantitatively determine the effect that this technology exerts on gas vesicles and on the total abundance of Microcystis spp. extracted from the San Roque Reservoir, Argentina. To this end, 20 L of sample were exposed to 124 kHz and 20 W of ultrasonic treatment (T), and then cellular abundance and vesicle collapse were analyzed by quantifying their area and determining their relative percentage of the cells that settled using transmission electron microscopy. There were no variations in abundance, and a 10 % sedimentation occurred for T, where the percentage of vesicles in the cells showed a significant decrease. The numerical data on vesicle collapse adds relevance to this study; however, given the low percentage of sedimentation, it is important to continue investigating the effects of ultrasound on the loss of buoyancy in Microcystis spp. and its range of action.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Florencia Elizabeth Romero, Araceli Ferreyra, Micaela Juaneda Allende, Mauro Gómez, Carlos Alberto Vitulich, Pedro Ruiz Díaz, Gastón Ojeda, Guido Marconi, María Valeria Amé, Camila Mussi, Victoria Baraibar, Pedro Mansur, Agostina Rigatuso, Joaquín Fierro, Román Martino, Lucía Boccardi, Silvana Raquel Halac, Diana Míguez, Andrés Rodriguez
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